Bend, OR.
Personal Training & Functional Fitness
Move your body. Shape your future.
In order to have mobility, one must have stability. If a joint lacks mobility, stability is decreased, and the risk of injury is much greater. A well-designed program incorporating both these components, as well as addressing muscular imbalance and proprioception are crucial so our daily activities can continue without pain.
CORE Strength
Most lower back pain comes from weak glutes and lower abdominal muscles. Our inability to engage our glutes and hold our pelvis in a neutral position leads to over-lengthened hamstrings, low back pain, sacroiliac joint pain (SI) and tight hips. By strengthening our glutes and lower abs, we can eliminate low back pain and improve mobility.
Pre/post surgery training
Most lower back pain comes from weak glutes and lower abdominal muscles. Our inability to engage our glutes and hold our pelvis in a neutral position leads to over-lengthened hamstrings, low back pain, sacroiliac joint pain (SI) and tight hips. By strengthening our glutes and lower abs, we can eliminate low back pain and improve mobility.
I feel strong again, limber, and just physically better all together.
After many years of working with personal trainers, I think the most important lesson I’ve learned is to find someone to train you, right where you are at. Not where you have been, or where you want to end up. But right where your level of physical fitness meets you.
I met Shannah post complex hip surgery, I was so hesitant to get back in the fitness world and terrified of re-injuring my hip again. Since starting personal training with her, my body has changed in leaps and bounds. And I could not be happier with the results. I have better balance, coordination, and strength.
I love her use of bands, TRX, and weight lifting, really isolating the muscle groups needing the most attention.”
— Kiley Wirtz Jennings