Hitting a Fitness Plateau?

Hitting a Plateau?

It’s amazing… we start exercising and in many cases, weight starts dropping off. We feel stronger, clothes fit a little better, we see the changes in muscle tone and we are motivated to keep going. Fast forward two or three months and the changes are smaller, the numbers on the scale may not be changing as quickly, clothes don’t seem to be fitting any better and our motivation starts dropping. We have hit a PLATEAU. 

Science has shown that our bodies physiologically adapt to an exercise routine after 12 weeks and we hit a plateau or see diminishing returns on our work. But, that doesn’t mean we should get discouraged. Instead, we need to push our bodies to the next level and change the intensity level at which we work, the duration of the workout and/or the volume we train. And, of course, nutrition changes may also need to take place. 

What does that look like? Maybe you have been consistently doing two boxing classes and two 45-minute runs a week and initially, you saw big changes. Two months later, you are feeling stronger, endurance has improved and your clothes are fitting better. But, the results are slowing down and your motivation is dropping. We need to alter the stress we put on our bodies physically to see changes. Our bodies adapt and find a set point, so we have to challenge that comfort zone. 

Ways YOU can break through a training or weight loss plateau: 

    – Learn how to train with a heart rate monitor so you can have intentional workouts based on heart rate zones (i.e. tempo runs, intervals, recovery days)

    – Add a Strength Training workout to your routine

    – Train for an event

    – Talk to a Nutrition Specialist 

And, as always, don’t fixate on the number on the scale. Muscle mass gains will “outweigh” fat loss and improved energy, strength, endurance, mobility, flexibility, balance and stability, as well as decreased aches and pains are far more important than what you weigh. 


Benefits of Boxing